Tuesday, November 20, 2007

How do you feel when you see japanese character "Hiragana"and "Katakana"?

I have often listend to the music of the american music producer Kanye West "stronger" in Japnese hit chart.He is the same age as me and I respect him very much.
The stage of PV"stronger" is Japan and the japanese original character "Katakana" is used in the PV.

Then I have a question.

How do you ,non-japanese, feel when you see japanese character "Hiragana"and "Katakana"?

Do you feel it's cool ? or nothing?

How do you feel compared with Kanji?

Please vote on the questionnaire in the right corner,
if you don't mind! m(_ _)m

■Kanye West "Stronger"

He went to the school of the art and he likes japanese art and japanese art group "Kaikaikiki" which is the famous for japanese artist TAKASHI MURAKAMI.

That's it today.

If you have any topic you want me to pick up,
Please feel free to ask me!!

See you next time(^_')b

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