Friday, September 21, 2007

To be arranged in modern style

Today's theme is " to be arraged in modern style".

Let me introduce three masterpiece that is arranged in modern style
in the field of music, food and fashion.

Here we go!!

[japanese music]
At this music corner, I want to introduce you a short music video in which japanese famous samisen player "Yoshida brothers" did collaboration to famous musician group "Monkey Magic".
Please push play button and listen to this music!

I felt this number was much more cool than one Yoshida brothers played ordinarily,
and than one Monkey Magic played on the guitar,the base and the drum ordinarily.

Like this, We want to keep producing cool modern clothes into which is integrated japanese traditional and beautiful colors expressed in fancy kimonos !

By the way,do you want to listen another number played by Yoshida brothers?
OK! Here is my recommendation!! What a powerful sound !!

[japanese food]

At this food corner,let me introduce very delicious japanese sweets ,
"Dorayaki of Sakuramichi"which is well sold among both old and young men and women.
The meaning of Sakuramichi is the road where cherry blossoms are in full-bloomed.

Dorayaki is one of the most famous japanese traditional sweets.
The birth of Dorayaki is in the beginning of the 20th,Taisho era,
and taste does not still change now.

Sakuramichi developped new Dorayaki into which is arranged modern decoration though the traditional process was kept.

Do everything shown above seems to be delicious!?

[japanese fashion]

At this fashion corner,
Today I recommend you a very cool T-shirts.

To see detail or another item, please click here

To see detail or another item, please click here

The big Japanese phoenix which is called "Houou" or "Suzaku" is covered with glittering print.

Houou is famous as the one of the 4 god who had protected the south part of imperial court in the 7th and 8th centuries, Heian era ,and it is said that Houou expels misery and causes happiness with wings.
And it appears several times in serial novel of "Onmyoji" which is very famous of the Yin Yang diviner and mentor "Abeno Seimei". about"Onmyoji"

Houou is expressed as ; front face looks like deer, the neck is likesnake, the back is like tortoise, the chin is like swallow, a beak is like chicken.
Japanese phoenix is used to decorate the rooftops of
old temples like Uji-Byodoin, and Kyoto Rokuonji temple Golden
Pavilion. Also, Japanese phoenix is now drawn on the backside ofJapanese ten-thousand bill since 2004.

That's all today. Thank you for reading to the end!
See you next time.